Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Soggy grumpyness

I've been catching myself feeling grumpy about things lately. Being put on hold, snippy comments from strangers, obnoxious telemarketers...all these people have been annoying me. Basically it's crankiness that the world doesn't march to my tune.

On top of this, (or perhaps the cause of it), the rainy weather has now started. It's called "the wet", and it will last until about April or May. It's hot, humid, and dripping wet. Since this is the tropics, it doesn't just sprinkle, it pours down rain. Three inches of rain in one day is not uncommon. Luckily there aren't the lightning storms like I experienced in Florida, but the dampness does get on your nerves.

In an effort to combat the general gloominess, I hit the music shop in town this weekend and bought some sheet music for the recorder and guitar. So while it's "bucketing down", I'm playing lilting Irish tunes, and somehow life seems better.

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