Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Most memorable question of the day

Working and studying at the uni, I often meet people not from Australia. Usually we trade stories about our respective home countries and go about our business. Today I got a question that really stopped me in my tracks.

I was sitting in the lunch room, talking to a friend, when a gentleman of middle-eastern descent sat down at the table.

He made a few remarks about how everything here (Australia) is geared toward fast food. I commented that my country, the U.S. is the same way.

Practically the moment I finished speaking he said "You are from the U.S?"

"Yes", I answered.

With a penetrating gaze he asked "So, is your country going to invade my country?" Whoops! How do I get into these types of conversations...

"Um, I guess it depends. What is your country?" Stupid answer, by the way.

"Iran". Gulp....hmm.

Long pause, while I scramble for the most polically correct thing to say. Nothing comes to mind.

I tried to turn the question back on him then. "So, are you afraid that the U.S. will invade Iran?"

"Yes". Dead silence. Um, lemmie outta here I'm thinking.

I mutter something about the Democratic party now having control of the country, blah, blah, blah, and luckily my Australian friend who has been watching this conversation with great interest changes the subject.

Wow! This is something that is not printed on your passport but probably should be:

Note: You may be called upon to defend or explain all of your country's actions for the last 200 years. Be prepared.

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