Saturday, February 17, 2007

Old Mother Hubbard, What's in Your Cupboard

I don't know if it's all the rain that's keeping me indoors, but lately I've been on an organizing kick. And for some reason I've convinced myself that I can't be truly organized until I have things put in little plastic containers. I don't know who's responsible for the brain-washing, but it's been effective.

I decided to put up a couple of pictures of my newly organized cupboards.

This one has my baking goods. The items with the white and black labels are generic stuff.

I have flour and sugar in the tubs at the bottom, to keep out the ants and other critters. Next to it is corn meal, or polenta as they call it here.

If you'd like to see a larger version of the picture, just click on it.

On the right hand side of this shelf is a jar of molasses that it took me 3 YEARS to locate. And like the polenta, I found it in a health food store. Amazing.

The big jug at the back of the cupboard is cordial. It's pronounced "Cord-ee-ul", and it's a flavored syrup used to make a kind of kool-aide sort of drink.

Also on the top shelf is the obligatory can of beetroot (for Dave, I won't go near the stuff), and two little brown containers of Vegemite.

I was amazed to see that probably over half of the items on the shelves at the supermarket are American brands. Most times it's a U.S. recipe, but it's made with Australian ingredients. So, I've got Campbells soup, Quaker oats, and El Paso refried beans and enchilada sauce.

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