Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Old Time Music

Watching professionals like these make me wish that I'd stuck to an instrument other than guitar.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Saturday Morning Cycle

Now that the temperature has risen above 70 degrees, the reclusive Queenslanders rouse from their dens and go...bicycle riding.

It was lovely and warm on Saturday morning, so Dave and I decided to hit the dusty bicycle trail over the bridge to the weir. In case you're not up on weirs (I wasn't), a weir is a small dam in a river or stream.

The river has some lovely talapia but unfortunately it's illegal to catch (and eat) them because they are considered a pest fish. There are also some very feisty turtles, geckos and waterfowl whose names I haven't learned yet.

Directly across from the weir is a nice restaurant that we like, so we sat down, ordered a drink and thought about what we'd like to have for lunch. As I was sitting there thinking, I spied something golden.

Hey, some money! In this case a two dollar coin, sitting all on its lonesome, so we invited it to lunch. Well actually to help pay for lunch.

However, as I looked around, there was no one to be seen. Very puzzling. Normally the restaurant is packed at lunch-time on the weekend.

I went over and grabbed a menu, and figured it out..."Lunch served from 12:00 - 2 pm."

It was currently 11 am. Bummer. Well, nothing left to do but enjoy the view...

Those turtles are starting to look good, however.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Stupid laptop tricks

Previously I posted some pictures from our trip to the bush over Easter break. I meant to put up quite a few more pics, but before I could, my laptop died in a pool of water.

A window at home was left open, and my desk got flooded during a rainstorm. The bad news is that everything on the laptop was lost. The even worse news was that it was a laptop belonged to my employer. The better news is that they will replace it with a new one.

Maybe what I need is the kind of laptop in this picture. The internal parts are completely sealed and if it gets dirty you can just hose it off.
